Singing Guide: Sabrina Carpenter

Singing Guide: Sabrina Carpenter

Vocal technique, exercises, tips and relevant resources

Are you a beginner or advanced singer?

Sabrina Carpenter is an American singer, songwriter, and actress. Known for her powerful vocals and touching lyrics. She has managed to garner a huge following over the years thanks to her beautiful songs and serious vocal abilities. If you've ever wanted to learn how to sing like Sabrina Carpenter, we've got some tips and tools that can help.

Vocal Technique

One of Sabrina's signature vocal techniques is the use of delicate vocal runs. These runs are used in many of her songs and give a unique touch to her performances. To learn how to emulate Sabrina's vocal runs, try these tips:

  • Start by practicing vocal exercises that target your diaphragm and control over your voice: Farinelli Breathing exercise and 5-Minute Warm-Up are two great videos to use for this.
  • Listen to Sabrina's songs attentively to pick up the exact placement of the runs in the track.
  • Record yourself singing along with some of her songs to review whether you're hitting the runs precisely.

Songs to Practice

Here are some songs of Sabrina's that showcase her unique vocal technique and can be used in practice sessions:

  • Thumbs
  • Smoke and Fire
  • Almost Love
  • Sue Me
  • Alien

Singing Carrots Resources

Singing Carrots offers a lot of valuable tools and resources to help you learn singing like Sabrina. Here are some of them:

Practical Advice

Finally, here are some practical tips that can help you improve your singing like Sabrina Carpenter:

  • Record yourself singing to review your progress over time.
  • Practice consistently every day, even just for a few minutes.
  • Work on your breathing and posture while singing as these have a significant impact on your vocal technique and sound.
  • Experiment with singing styles and ranges to improve your versatility as a singer.

With these tips and resources, you're well on your way to singing like Sabrina Carpenter. Good luck!

Learn more about this artist vocal range, voice type and repertoire.